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001-es BibID:BIBFORM055230
Első szerző:Terjék László (agrár)
Cím:Judgement of communication in the occupational safety and health at work relation at the agricultural leading and working circles / László Terjék
Megjegyzések:In this p a p e r the author has collected his examinations about communication o fOccupational Safety and Health. The aim o f his examinations was to survey theagricultural leaders' and workers' judgm ents about communication o fOccupational S afety and Health at work (O SH ) in H ajdú-Bihar County. On onehand, the author has searched the answ er fór what kind o f source the leadersand workers have to gather Information about OSH, on the other hand what isthe judgm ent about communication hindering factors. The examinationproceeds at 18 different agricultural firms. In addition he m easured the leaders'and workers' demographic characteristics and related occupational safety andhealth attitudes from the psychosocial factors a t these enterprises. H e usedquestionnaire and personal guided interviews and m ethodical examinations. H e used seven graded Likert-type scale fór qualifying the answers.
ISBN:978-963-7294-73-0 978-963-7294-75-4
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:Erdei Ferenc V. Tudományos Konferencia : Globális kihívások, lokális megoldások : 2009. szeptember 3-4., Kecskemét : konferenciakiadvány / [szerk. Ferencz Árpád]. - 2. köt. p. 633-638. -
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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