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001-es BibID:BIBFORM056488
Első szerző:Szabó Szilárd (geográfus)
Cím:Lidar based assessment of roofs : Perspectives for solar energy / Szilárd Szabó, Péter Enyedi, György Szabó, István Fazekas, Tamás Buday, Attila Kerényi, Mónika Paládi, Nikoletta Mecser, Gergely Szabó
Megjegyzések:According to the Horizon 2020 climate and energy package, legislation has to meet the 20-20-20 target. It means that EU member countries have to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases by 20%, to increase the proportion of renewable energy to 20% and to improve the energy efficiency by 20%. Regarding the energy production issues, locally produced solar energy can be a possible solution installed on the top of the buildings. In this study we made an attempt to register the roofs of the buildings and evaluated the roof planes whether they are appropriate for the installation of photovoltaic solar panels. Main question was the correct roof geometry, but most of our roof models showed high correspondence with real forms. We calculated the annual solar radiation and evaluated with geoinformation techniques and statistical methods.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok előadáskivonat
point cloud
roof detection
solar radiation
Megjelenés:Proceedings of Denzero International Conference: Sustainable energy by optmal integration of renewable energy sources / ed. Kalmár Ferenc. - p. 114-122. -
További szerzők:Enyedi Péter (1982-) (környezettudós) Szabó György (1964-) (geográfus, egyetemi tanár) Fazekas István (1973-) (geográfus) Buday Tamás (1982-) (geográfus) Kerényi Attila (1943-2023) (geográfus) Paládi Mónika (1987-) (geográfus) Mecser Nikoletta (1988-) (geográfus) Szabó Gergely (1975-) (geográfus)
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0041
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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