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001-es BibID:BIBFORM058472
Első szerző:Zsembeli József (agrármérnök)
Cím:Effect of irrigation with saline water on the soil in simple drainage lysimeters / Zsembeli József, Kovács Györgyi, Tóth Judit
Megjegyzések:An experiment was set in 12 simple drainage lysimetersat the lysimeter station of Karcag Research Institute in2012 in order to simulate the conditions of irrigation inthe hobby gardens characteristic around Karcag, and toexamine its effect on the soil. Sprinkler and drip irrigationand saline and deionised water were used and compared.We expected lower salt accumulation in the case of dripirrigation as the salt load of the soil is lower due to thelower amount of water when drip irrigation is applied.One of our goals was to quantify this difference in saltaffection. We also applied a compost material calledTERRASOL (sheep manure based) aiming to mitigatethe harmful effect of irrigation with saline water. Afterthe irrigation period soil samples were taken from thesoil of the lysimeters down to 50 cm and analysed inorder to determine their salt content and these data werecompared to the original salt content of the soil. Ourresults show that both the application of drip irrigationand TERRASOL compost can mitigate the extent ofsecondary salinization even though it defi nitely occurs
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok előadáskivonat
secondary salinization
Megjelenés:Gumpensteiner Lysimetertagung. - p. 167-170. -
További szerzők:Kovács Györgyi (1980-) (környezetgazdálkodási agrármérnök) Tóth Judit
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