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001-es BibID:BIBFORM058556
Első szerző:Guttormsen, M.
Cím:Constant-temperature level densities in the quasicontinuum of Th and U isotopes / M. Guttormsen, B. Jurado, J. N. Wilson, M. Aiche, L. A. Bernstein, Q. Ducasse, F. Giacoppo, A. Görgen, F. Gunsing, T. W. Hagen, A. C. Larsen, M. Lebois, B. Leniau, T. Renstrøm, S. J. Rose, S. Siem, T. Tornyi, G. M. Tveten, and M. Wiedeking
ISSN:0556-2813 1089-490X
Megjegyzések:Particle-? coincidences have been measured to obtain ?-ray spectra as a function of excitation energy for 231-233Th and 237-239U. The level densities, which were extracted using the Oslo method, show a constant temperature behavior. The isotopes display very similar temperatures in the quasicontinuum, however, the even-odd isotopes reveal a constant entropy increase ?S compared to their even-even neighbors. The entropy excess depends on available orbitals for the last unpaired valence neutron of the heated nuclear system. Also, experimental microcanonical temperature and heat capacity have been extracted. Several poles in the heat capacity curve support the idea that an almost continuous melting of Cooper pairs is responsible for the constant-temperature behavior.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Physical Review C. - 88 : 2 (2013), p. 024307-1-024307-8. -
További szerzők:Jurado, B. Wilson, J. N. Aiche, M. Bernstein, L. A. Ducasse, Q. Giacoppo, F. Görgen, A. Gunsing, F. Hagen, T. W. Larsen, A. C. Lebois, M. Leniau, B. Renstrøm, T. Rose, S. J. Siem, S. Tornyi Tamás Gábor (1978-) (fizikus) Tveten, G. M. Wiedeking, M.
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