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001-es BibID:BIBFORM059268
Első szerző:Pataki Gyöngyvér (oktatáskutató, szociológus)
Cím:A kocka el van vetve.... / Pataki Gyöngyvér
Megjegyzések:Several recent studies on youth culture have demonstrated the low participation and political radicalization of young adults. Apart from small groups of radical actors Hungarian young adults are lost between the plurality of social life-worlds and the political subsystems with one of the lowest participation rate in Europe. The Campus-life project (http://campuslet.unideb.hu) aims to explain how the changing forms and spaces of connectivity and privacy contribute to civic education. Within this framework the research seeks to answer the question how the role of student houses in civic socialization is overwritten by students' public values and actions.In order to explore the nature of civic socialization of students at University of Debrecen we proposed an ethnographic study with the combination of three different methods: 1.) participant observation; 2.) 26 mini focus groups conducted among roommates of two student houses at the University of Debrecen; 3.) 10 Narrative interviews in student houses at the University of Debrecen. The study presents a new projective technique used as a story trigger during the interviews. Story cubes were used to guide students to the verbal visual communication level where they can comfortably utter their public notions.The important finding from our analysis is that regardless the differences in managerial style and community initiatives neither of the student houses managed to provide a successful scene for political socialization. Our data show that the underlying reason for low participation lies in the students' public values and visions. They do not intend to participate or identify themselves with institutions they rather take advantage of different systemic levels and carry out individual strategies.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Szociológiai tudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
felsőoktatási kollégium
állampolgári nevelés
közéleti aktivitás
kvalitatív módszer
narratíva-stimuláló kockák
Megjelenés:Kultúra és Közösség. - 4 : 2 (2013), p. 81-109. -
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