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001-es BibID:BIBFORM059785
Első szerző:Horváth Géza (formális nyelvek és automaták, automatahálózatok, kriptográfia)
Cím:Formal Languages and Automata Theory [Elektronikus dokumentum] / Géza Horváth, Benedek Nagy
Megjelenés:Budapest : Typotex, 2014
Terjedelem:137 p.
Megjegyzések:(Gyires Béla Informatika Tananyag Tárház)
The authors of this book have been teaching Formal Languages and Automata Theory for 20 years. This book gives an introduction to these fields. It contains the most essential parts of these theories with lots of examples and exercises. In the book, after discussing some of the most important basic definitions, we start from the smallest and simplest class of the Chomsky hierarchy. This class, the class of regular languages, is well known and has several applications; it is accepted by the class of finite automata. However, there are some important languages that are not regular. Therefore, we continue with the classes of linear and context-free languages. These classes have also a wide range of applications, and they are accepted by various families of pushdown automata. Finally, the largest classes of the hierarchy, the families of context-sensitive and recursively enumerable languages are presented. These classes are accepted by various families of Turing machines. At the end of the book we give some further literature for those who want to study these fields more deeply and/or interested to newer developments.
ISBN:978 963 279 344 3
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok szakkönyv
Formal Languages
További szerzők:Nagy Benedek (1973-) (informatikus, matematikus) Gyires Béla Informatika Tananyag Tárház
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.1.2.A/1-11/1-2011-0103
Gyires Béla Informatika Tananyag Tárház
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