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001-es BibID:BIBFORM062605
Első szerző:Berei Emese Beáta (tanár, szociális szakértő)
Cím:Halmozott hátrányban. Gyermekvédelmi rendszerben élő magyar tanulók a romániai Bihar megyében (jogszabályi és civil háttér) / Berei Emese Beáta
Megjegyzések:The general aim of our research is to explore the main characteristics of the laws and institutional networks dealing with children and young people with multiple disadvantages belonging to national minority under child protection. The target group of the research are the laws supporting the Romanian Hungarian minority students and the institutional networks of child protection. In the first part we analyzed the basic documents of legislation of child protection and education system currently in force. In the second part we focused on the role of the institutions, through the analysis of the statistics for the child protection system and the institutional networks in Bihar county, and an institutional case study. Based on our research results, the current legislation treats the national minority students and the students under child protection care separately and do not have any specific regulation regarding those children with disadvantages that belong to both a national minority and grow up in a child protection institution. The child protection and education laws use the terms in connection with disadvantage in different ways and do not regulate the methodology of validation of identity rights. In default of appropriate legal framework and government's role the child protecting, social and educational actions of the institutions connected to Hungarian historical churches take important part in preserving the Hungarian students' school and social integration, mother tongue and national identity that live in the system of child protection.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Neveléstudományok könyvfejezet
marginalizált helyzet
oktatási inklúzió
Romániai Bihar megye
egyházi hátterű gyermekvédelmi intézmények
Megjelenés:Terek, intézmények, átmenetek / szerk. Ferdinec Csilla. - p. 331-335. -
Pályázati támogatás:Balassi Intézet Márton Áron Kutatói Szakkollégiumi Program 2014-2015
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