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001-es BibID:BIBFORM063287
Első szerző:Katschthaler, Karl (irodalmár, germanista)
Cím:What is autobiographical authenticity in music? The question of the "secret vocal part" in Alban Berg's Lyric Suite revisited from a narratological perspective / Karl Katschthaler
Megjegyzések:Constantin Floros famously has coined the notion of "music as autobiography" and analysed the music of Alban Berg in terms of what he calls "semantic analysis". According to this method, musical "semantemes" reveal the work's underlying meaning, which in Berg's case is said to be "autobiographical". In this article I try to develop a critique of this kind of musical semantics from a narratological point of view, questioning what is widely regarded as its touchstone: the "secret program" of Berg's string quartet called the "Lyric Suite" and the "secret vocal part" in its final movement. The notion of autobiography raises the question of authenticity and authentification. Dealing with this topic in relation to the finale movement of the "Lyric Suite", Perle's implication that his version of the "Largo desolato" with the additional vocal part is the "authentic version" of the piece, which has been suppressed by its author, is confronted with Lawrence Kramer's concept of the relationship of music and narrative as a supplement in the deconstructive sense. Finally I elaborate the cultural narratives connected to the music and their intertextuality we suppress, when we reduce the narrative elements of the music to the one authentic autobiographical narrative behind it.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Irodalom- és kultúratudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Alban Berg
Arnold Schoenberg
Fin de Siecle
Megjelenés:Amsterdam International Electronic Journal for Cultural Narratology [elektronikus dokumentum]. - 7-8 (2012-2014) (2016), p. 208-218. -
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