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001-es BibID:BIBFORM063350
Első szerző:Katschthaler, Karl (irodalmár, germanista)
Cím:Absence, Presence and Potentiality: John Cage's 4'33" Revisited / Karl Katschthaler
Megjegyzések:This paper explores four performances of John Cage's famous "silent piece" 4'33''. The first one is the premiere performance by David Tudor, the subsequent three are performances by John Cage himself between 1973 and 1986. A discussion of the Aristotelian concept of potentiality and its interpretation by Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben serves as the theoretical frame for the foregrounding of the bodily presence of the performer and the audience. In this context questions are asked like: What is a musical performance apart of the sound object created? If we can see darkness, can we hear silence? Is silence absence of sound? What is the potentiality of silence?
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Irodalom- és kultúratudományok könyvfejezet
John Cage
Musical Performance
Theatre Studies
Giorgio Agamben
Megjelenés:Silence and Absence in Literature and Music / eds. Werner Wolf, Walter Bernhart. - p. 166-179. -
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