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001-es BibID:BIBFORM065227
Első szerző:Szabó Gábor (budapesti orvos)
Cím:Letter to the Editor : corrections to the natriuretic peptide article in Journal of Cardiology / Szabó Gabor, Nagy Balint
Megjegyzések:We read the article of Nishikimi et al. with great interest [1] on "Current biochemistry, molecular biology, and clinical relevance of natriuretic peptides." The content of the article is very interesting and nicely collected, but we found a few mistakes and we would like to call your attention to these.1. Page 132. BNP section, line 14. "Exon 3 encodes the terminal tyrosine and the 3· untranslated region," correctly it is histidine as the authors show correctly in Fig. 1.2. Page 133. Fig. 2. It says corin cuts the proANP 26?151 (proANP 1?126) to Nt proANP and ?ANP. This takes place at Arg?Arg bond (98?99). If we use what the authors state (26?124 and 125?151) this Arg?Arg is located at 99?100, so the ?ANP has only 27 amino acids. While the correct numbering is 26?123 and 124?151 so the ?ANP has the correct 28 amino acids with the cutting place at 98?99 [2].3. Page 134. Fig. 4. According to the figure by cutting the proCNP to CNP (cleaving enzymes PC2 and/or PC1/3) we are receiving the active CNP which consists of 22 amino acids, while based on the figure we are having the molecule which consists only of 21 amino acids, so the correct numbers are not 106?126 (21), rather 105?126 (22).These are small details but we should use the correct data to give exact information to the readers.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok levél
natriuretec peptid
B type
Megjelenés:Journal of Cardiology 59 : 1 (2012), p. 97-97. -
További szerzők:Nagy Bálint (1956-) (molekuláris genetikus)
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