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001-es BibID:BIBFORM066584
Első szerző:Garda Tamás (biológus)
Cím:Cytotoxic effects of cylindrospermopsin in mitotic and non-mitotic Vicia faba cells / Tamás Garda, Milán Riba, Gábor Vasas, Dániel Beyer, Márta M-Hamvas, Gréta Hajdu, Ildikó Tándor, Csaba Máthé
Megjegyzések:Cylindrospermopsin (CYN) is a cyanobacterial toxin known as a eukaryotic protein synthesis inhibitor.We aimed to study its effects on growth, stress responses and mitosis of a eukaryotic model, Vicia faba(broad bean). Growth responses depended on exposure time (3 or 6 d), cyanotoxin concentration, cultureconditions (dark or continuous light) and V. faba cultivar (♭♭Standard'' or ♭♭ARC Egypt Cross''). At 6 d ofexposure, CYN had a transient stimulatory effect on root system growth, roots being possibly capableof detoxification. The toxin induced nucleus fragmentation, blebbing and chromosomal breaks indicatingdouble stranded DNA breaks and programmed cell death. Root necrotic tissue was observed at0.1?20 lgmL 1 CYN that probably impeded toxin uptake into vascular tissue. Growth and cell death processesobserved were general stress responses. In lateral root tip meristems, lower CYN concentrations(0.01?0.1 lgmL 1) induced the stimulation of mitosis and distinct mitotic phases, irrespective of cultureconditions or the cultivar used. Higher cyanotoxin concentrations inhibited mitosis. Short-term exposureof hydroxylurea-synchronized roots to 5 lgmL 1 CYN induced delay of mitosis that might have beenrelated to a delay of de novo protein synthesis. CYN induced the formation of double, split and asymmetricpreprophase bands (PPBs), in parallel with the alteration of cell division planes, related to theinterference of cyanotoxin with protein synthesis, thus it was a plant- and CYN specific alteration.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Chemosphere 120 (2015), p. 145-153. -
További szerzők:Riba Milán Vasas Gábor (1975-) (biológus-vegyész) Beyer Dániel (1982-) (molekuláris biológus) Mikóné Hamvas Márta (1963-) (biológus) Hajdu Gréta (1987-) (biomérnök) Tándor Ildikó Máthé Csaba (1966-) (biológus)
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