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001-es BibID:BIBFORM068427
Első szerző:Fónai Mihály (szociológus)
Cím:The prestige and social construction of the teacher profession in three countries / Mihály Fónai, Ágnes Dusa, Michaela Moldová Chovancová, Marzena Chrost, Anna Królikowska, Beata Topij-Stempińska
Megjegyzések:The public perception of the teacher (image) is strongly related to the expectations that society has toward the professional group, this, in turn is connected with the understanding of the teacher's function and role.In the very rich literature on professions the definition and the original meaning of "profession" - vocation - was a word that meant high prestige occupations. Functionalistprofession theories, independent from the various definitions and viewpoints, refer to three components: knowledge, abilities and skills required to be a profession, to the method of their transferring them, the norms ruling their activity and the professional organizations providing these norms. How can these criteria prevail in teacher professions? Regarding the knowledge and abilities required by professions a relative consensus can be found - cognitive knowledge, skills and abilities together with applied methods significantly undergird the framework of publiceducation.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Neveléstudományok tanulmány, értekezés
teacher education
teacher profession
Megjelenés:Comparative Research on Teacher Education / eds. Pusztai Gabriella, Engler Ágnes. - p. 71-93. -
További szerzők:Dusa Ágnes Réka (1986-) (szociológus, neveléstudományok) Moldová Chovancová, Michaela Chrost, Marzena Królikowska, Anna Topij-Stempinska, Beata
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