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001-es BibID:BIBFORM068661
Első szerző:Szebenyi Tamás (történész, régész)
Cím:Pecsételt kerámia Üllő 5. lelőhely szarmata telepéről / Szebenyi Tamás
Megjegyzések:Bowls with stamped ornamentation belong to the poorly researched objects of the Sarmatian Barbaricum. There are pieces of 49 pots with stamps at the site of Üllő 5, which is situated next to the Roman limes in the vicinity of Aquincum, fragments of 49 pots have been found. As a result of the analysis of the ornamentations 9 different types could be separated. The largest group contains various "egg garland" stamps, which derived from the western Samian ware from the workshops of the Rhine Valley. The "gear" motives, which consist of simple points and circles, are very popular too. The "rosette" decorations belong to the most ornamented group of the potsherds; usually "columns" and "S forms" are added to them as supplementary ornamentation. It is obvious, that for setting up groups further characteristics of the vessels have to be examined. The main attributes are the following: the profile, the coating and the ornamenta- tion. In this way the finds are divided into two bigger groups. One is the group of hemispher- ical bowls with a thick, round shaped rim. These bowls always have a red or orange coating and the most specific ornamentation is the "egg garland". The hemispheric bowls have the most direct relation with the Dragendorff 37 type Samian ware. The other type of the vessels is the group of bowls with a conic belly. The "rosette" motives on these vessels show the im- pacts coming from the workshops of province Dacia. In connection with stamped pottery we face a lot of complicated problems. One of them is the age of the potsherds. We can use Samian ware or coins for dating. However, we have to count with the time of getting of the vessel from Pannonia to the Barbaricum (and also with the time during which the bowls became archaeological objects). The other problem is the relationship between the stamped bowls and the Samian ware. Judging from the high number of Samian ware shards, I do not think that the Sarmatians tried to replace Samian ware with stamped bowls. In conclusion, there is a high chance that the stamped ceramics were made by Barbarians, because we have not got good parallels from the neighboring provinces. The place of pro- duction is questionable, but it is not probable that there were workshops producing stamped pottery in the Üllő settlement. In my opinion, there could have been workshops spread all over the Barbaricum, which were influenced by the Roman pottery from Pannonia and Dacia. This is the solution for the heterogeneous character of the pottery fragments from Üllő.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Történelemtudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
szarmata Barbaricum
pecsételt kerámia
Üllő 5-9. lelőhely
Megjelenés:Acta Iuvenum. Sectio archaeologica. - 1 (2013), p. 9-31. -
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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