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001-es BibID:BIBFORM069328
Első szerző:Hogg, Nancy
Cím:The p150,95 molecule is a marker of human mononuclear phagocytes : comparison with expression of class II molecules / Nancy Hogg, Laszlo Takacs, David G. Palmer, Yogi Selvendran, Catherine Allen
Megjegyzések:A new monoclonal antibody (mAb), named 3.9, is described that is specific for the p150,95 molecule, a member of the LFA-1, CR3, p150,95 family of human leukocyte differentiation antigens. The LFA-1 molecule participates in a variety of T cell interactions and the CR3 molecule is the receptor for the complement component iC3b, but little is known about the p150,95 molecule. Here we show that the expression of p150,95 is confined to myeloid cells. mAb 3.9 reacts variably with neutrophils, more strongly with monocytes and is most strongly expressed on tissue macrophages. Using this mAb and others, we have examined the heterogeneity of tissue macrophages. Cells such as Langerhans' cells, dendritic reticulum cells and osteoclasts failed to react with these mAb and thus, probably do not belong to the mononuclear phagocyte lineage. Using a new double-labeling technique, we investigated lymphoid tissue for dendritic cells bearing class II molecules which might function in interactions with T cells. In T cell areas macrophages expressing class II markers were seen but there was no evidence for other types of dendritic or interdigitating cells which expressed class II molecules but not macrophage epitopes. The conclusion from this survey was that the most prominent cell with dendritic morphology found in the T cell areas of lymphoid tissue was a macrophage.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:European Journal of Immunology. - 16 : 3 (1986), p. 240-248. -
További szerzők:Takács László (1955-) Palmer, David G. Selvendran, Yogi Allen, Catherine
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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