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001-es BibID:BIBFORM069531
Első szerző:Török Péter (szülész-nőgyógyász)
Cím:Effects of endometrial polyps and polypectomy on infertility / Török P., Molnár S.
ISSN:1613-2076 1613-2084
Megjegyzések:Introduction: Most endometrial polyps represent focal, hyperplastic processes of the endometrium. Polyps occur most frequently in peri-and postmenopausal women, but they can be found in fertile-age, too. Endometrial polyps can be diagnosed by ultrasound, hysterocontrastsonography, hysterosalpingography, endometrial biopsy, and uterine curettage, but the diagnostic hysteroscopy (HSC) is considered as gold-standard method, with the greatest sensitivity and specificity. Study design: A retrospective study was conducted on 383 patients between 2006 and 2012, who were suspicious about having endometrial polyp based on the ultrasonography, or according to symptoms. 143 cases were excluded by reason of incomplete documentation or negative hysteroscopic finding. In 240 cases polyps were verified during diagnostic hysteroscopy and were removed either by resectoscopy, or by curettage. Localization of polyp in the endometrial cavity was categorized into five groups: utero-tubal junction, anterior uterine wall, posterior uterine wall, lateral uterine wall, and multiple. All samples underwent histological examination. The group of infertile patients was accentuated. Results: The average age of patients was 46.16 (?SD) ? 13.67. The symptoms that indicated diagnostic hysteroscopy were abnormal uterine bleeding in 50.83% of cases, 13.75% infertility, 1.67% pelvic pain and positive finding during ultrasonographic examination were 51.67%. Polyps were excised in 70% by resectoscopic polypectomy, 30% by curettage. Less than 3% of polyps were malignant. The polyps, that were seen during hysteroscopy were confirmed by histological diagnose in 76.19% of resectoscopy cases and 68.05% of curettage cases. The difference between the two techniques in sampling precision was no significant (p=0.095). Among infertile women (n=33), with suspected endometrial polyp the average age (?SD) was 33.99?4.24. Endometrial polyp was verified by hysteroscopy in all cases. Polyp locations were as follows: utero-tubal junction 18.18%; anterior uterine wall 24.24%; posterior uterine wall 27.27%; lateral uterine wall 24.24%; and multiple 6.06%. In 72.7% of polyps resection happened by resectoscopy and in 27.3% by curettage. The effect of polypectomy for pregnancy rate was evaluated in one year period after the operation sorted by localization and histological findings, as well. Polyps were verified histological in 63.6% of cases. In histological verified polyp group the pregnancy rate after polypectomy was 52.38%, in the other group the rate was 18.18%. The difference was significant (p=0.0321). Conclusion: In this study there was no difference in pregnancy rate according to the localization of the resected polyp. According to histological verification difference in causing infertility was significant. Removing of polyps diagnosed by hysteroscopy improves the likelihood of successful conception, if removed polyp was histological confirmed as polyp.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idézhető absztrakt
endometrial polyp
diagnostic hysteroscopy
Megjelenés:Gynecological Surgery 11 : S1 (2014), p. 330-331. -
További szerzők:Molnár Szabolcs (1987-) (szülész-nőgyógyász szakorvos)
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