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001-es BibID:BIBFORM069824
Első szerző:Ureczky Eszter (irodalmár, angol irodalom)
Cím:Cleanliness as godliness: cholera and victorian spaces of filth in Matthew Kneale's Sweet thames / Ureczky Eszter
Megjegyzések:Cholera, the dreaded "blue pest" is often referred to as the epochal disasterof the nineteenth century, appearing both as a horrifying reality and apotent metaphor of urban and colonial anxieties. In the light of themedical, political, and literary responses this epidemic disease haselicitated in the past two hundred years, "Asiatic cholera has a good claimto be regarded as the classic epidemic disease of the nineteenth century,above all of Europe in the age of industrialisation" (Evans 1995, 151).Even though there is historical evidence that Hindu physicians firstdescribed it around 400 B.C. (Clark 2010, 71), the disease gained specialsignificance for the West in the rapidly developing century ofmodernization and imperialism. Cholera riots all across Europe calledattention to the serious political stakes of the epidemic: "[i]n the contact ofthe nineteenth century's twin terrors?epidemic disease and revolution,the disintegration of the physical and the social body?these metaphorstook on a particular role, one in which they were able to body forth theVictorians' fear of biological and social dissolution" (Gilbert 2005, 18). Inthis new era of the revolutionary crowd and laboratory science the very word contagion took on various non-medical connotations, as Gustave LeBon's The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (1895) also shows: "ideas,sentiments, emotions, and beliefs possess in crowds a contagious power asintense as that of microbes" (2001, 76). Being one of the so callednineteenth-century "filth diseases"?the others were typhoid, typhus, andpolio?cholera threatened the very core of Western order, especially in thecontext of the British Empire, where, apparently, "an imperial ageproduced an imperial disease" (Bewell 1999, 243).
ISBN:978-1-4438-0996-2 I1-4438-0996-9
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Irodalom- és kultúratudományok könyvfejezet
Megjelenés:Travelling around Cultures Collected Essays on Literature and Art / Ureczky Eszter, et al., szerk. Győri Zsolt és Moise Gabriella. - p. 101-117. -
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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