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001-es BibID:BIBFORM069846
Első szerző:Kerekes Attila (épületgépész)
Cím:Impact of added convex windows on heating energy need and peak load in different climatic zones / Attila Kerekes
Megjegyzések:Windows have a dominant role in the energy balance of buildings. Added convex windows compound the features of additional insulation, mass wall, double skin façade and the form of bow windows. They facilitate the energy conscious retrofit of existing buildings without replacing the original windows thus lower operational energy consumption can be achieved with less embodied energy and without the garbage of demolition. Heating energy consumption can further be decreased by preheating the fresh air or recovering considerable energy of the exhaust air in the added zone. The operational energy saving obviously depends on the climate and on the orientation. Detailed dynamic simulations have been carried out for three climatic zone and different orientations. Calculated results have been checked with measurements of custom made cabins in Hungarian conditions. The investigations prove the considerable energy saving potential of added convex windows. A problem has been discovered and analysed. To achieve low energy consumption a higher built-in capacity of the heat source is required to meet the increased glazed ratio. This reveals the problems of many building regulations, which encompass the peak output of the heat source although the final goal is the low primary energy consumption and the related emission.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Gépészeti tudományok tanulmány, értekezés
glazed ratio
added window
heating energy need
peak load
Megjelenés:Design to thrive : proceedings : PLEA 2017 Conference / ed. by Luisa Brotas, Susan Roaf, Fergus Nicol. - 3. köt., p. 628-634.
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