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001-es BibID:BIBFORM070366
Első szerző:Misik Tamás (biológus, ökológus)
Cím:A síkfőkúti cseres-tölgyes erdő cserjeszintjében végzett komplex struktúra felmérés eredményei 2012-ből / Misik Tamás, Kárász Imre
Megjegyzések:The stand dynamics of oak forests in Europe has been a topic of interest and concern to resource managers and scientists in the past period. The serious oak decline has been reported for the 1979-80 period and 63.0% of adult oak was died in Síkfőkút site, Hungary. The data were used to obtain quantitative information on species composition, density, mean sizes, diversity indices andshrub foliage cover in the low shrub layer. The species composition, occurrence frequency and density were observed; the height and diameter of each high shrub specimen was recorded in a 48 m x 48 m permanent plot. Seventeen native woody species (trees and shrubs) were identified across the entire study area. The proportion of low and high shrub specimen's density was 93.6% and 6.4%.The most common high shrub species were Euonymus verrucosus, Acer campestre and Acer tataricum. The most common low shrub species were Quercus petraea and E. verrucosus. The biggest high shrub species were A. campestre and C. mas in the site.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
alacsony cserjék
átlagos méretek
Megjelenés:Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis. Sectio Pericemonologica 40 : 8 (2013), p. 53-63. -
További szerzők:Kárász Imre (1949-) (biológia-kémia szakos tanár)
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