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001-es BibID:BIBFORM070569
035-os BibID:(WoS)000428151900060 (Scopus)85047161017
Első szerző:Adamkó Attila (informatikus)
Cím:Interaction-dependent e-Health hub-software adaptation to cloud-based electronic health records / Attila Adamko, Abel Garai, Istvan Pentek
Megjegyzések:The recent decade brought a significant breakthroughin the healthcare interoperability. Among other things thepatient-information has been thoroughly digitalized and sharedbetween the involved organizational units. The healthcare data isstored in electronic health records (EHR). These records mostlyremained in stand-alone servers. However, the cloud-technologypenetrated also the healthcare industry. As people move and travelmore frequently, they are more likely to receive treatment inforeign healthcare institutions. Therefore, they leave theirelectronic medical footprint in different countries. The industrialcloud-providers offer regional, international or global solutions.This trend eliminates the former technological barriers of crossborderdata exchange. This article summarizes the results of theteam's research, and focuses on the findings of the latest stage ofthe three-year exploratory program. From technical point of view,this research phase focuses on three objectives: capture of the biosensoryraw data from the dedicated e-Health device, aggregationand evaluation of the data-flow by the hub-software, and collectioninto EHR. This research also simulates the proposed adaptive,event-based and interoperable healthcare ecosystem. According tothe cloud architecture's elasticity, the findings of this pilot projectcan be later disseminated to international extent and the hubsoftware's system dimensions can be scaled up to serve alsocomplex healthcare ecosystems.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok előadáskivonat
electronic health record
Megjelenés:8th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications: CogInfoCom 2017 : Proceedings : September 11-14, 2017 Debrecen, Hungary. - p. 339-344. -
További szerzők:Garai Ábel (1980-) (informatikus, közgazdász) Péntek István (1988-) (programtervező informatikus)
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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