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001-es BibID:BIBFORM074781
Első szerző:Palatinus Brigitta (közgazdász)
Cím:A folyamatorientált vezetési filozófia szemléletének adaptálása egy konkrét kutatási projektben / Palatinus Brigitta
Megjegyzések:To adapt process oriented management philosophy, first we need to find the answer for the following question. What is process orientation itself? This question leads to other more important questions we need to answer before we can use it in our research project. I think the following questions are necessary to be answered in connection with this topic: What is process? What process orientation means? What does it mean to think in processes? Why process orientation is so important and useful in the 21 .st century? After giving you answers for all these questions I am going to introduce a current research project. This project will prove the hypothesis that the method of process orientation is capable of describing, modeling and analyzing the needs of the passengers. In today's fast-paced economic environment, complicated business connections and globalization the term of business process is getting more and more important. A series of logically related activities or tasks (such as planning, production, or sales) performed together to produce a defined set of results. As a result of globalization networking economy is a complex and continuously moving structure. What is new in my research? First I am going to analyze the processes or problems independently and as a second step I am going to adapt them to organizations and analyze them in detail.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Taylor. - 6 : 1-2 (2014), p. 137-147. -
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