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001-es BibID:BIBFORM077221
Első szerző:Soós Gabriella (közgazdász, tanár)
Cím:Business economics I. / Soós Gabriella
Megjelenés:Eger : Eszterházi Károly Főiskola Líceum Kiadó, 2015
Terjedelem:215 p.
Megjegyzések:The objective of Business Economics subject is to get the student to know the most important tasks of starting and operating enterprises. Business Economics I. includes the basic knowledge, notions, connections belonging to the topic. The student will learn the details of corporate activities studying Business Economics II In the course of this the students will learn the notion, essentials, the purpose of starting and the operation of the enterprise. They will place the enterprises in the economic system, and attain the effect of enterprises and the factors affecting them in the operation of the economy. They will systematize and list the main types of enterprises. their main attributes, the advantages and disadvantages of the particular types. They will be able to tell the life-cycle elements of the enterprise, the attributes of the particular elements. They will explain the cases and conditions of starting, transforming and terminating enterprises. They will be able to compile the business plan of the enterprise at the start of the enterprise, or to support an investment decision. They can define the role and factors of success in the life of the enterprise. They can explain the basics of entrepreneurial approach, its guiding principles, and the methods of shaping this approach. The students will get to know the life-cycles of enterprises, and the attributes of the particular life-cycles. They will attain the main criteria, functions, tasks of management, and also the importance of knowledge and of the human capital in the life of the enterprise. Finally, they will learn the main points and types, and the role of innovation.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok tankönyv
Business economics
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