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001-es BibID:BIBFORM077502
Első szerző:Szabóné Berta Olga (közgazdász)
Cím:A digitalizáció szerepe és jelentősége a modern mezőgazdasági vállalkozásoknál egy kutatás tükrében / Berta Olga
ISSN:0231-2522 1588-2918
Megjegyzések:There is an ever-growing interest in digitization among the actors of the agrarian sector, with the help of which a more efficient agrarian operation and development may be implemented. The relationship of IT applications and agriculture is present in the harmonization of production technologies, or in the relationship between developments and agriculture, more broadly, the production and market management of agribusiness. Information pertaining to agriculture, such as inputs, markets, prices, infrastructure, the IT background of technological changes have become basic tools of agrarian development. Precision agriculture, which, as its name demonstrates, is based on the exploitation of reserves in agricultural equipment and precise use of tools, is organically integrated into this process. The individual elements of the system began to spread in Hungary in the recent period. It provides a broad spectrum of information about the production process for the owner that they can use for later decision making, thus it facilitates and considerably affects the work of the management. In my research, I aimed at mapping the managers of Hungarian agrarian enterprises and their relationships and attitudes to IT systems. I was attempting to answer the question of the factors that influence agrarian organisations in the use of information and precision systems.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
precíziós mezőgazdaság
reprezentatív kutatás
Megjelenés:Jelenkori társadalmi és gazdasági folyamatok. - 13 : 1-2 (2018), p. 55-66. -
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