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001-es BibID:BIBFORM080363
Első szerző:Abádi Nagy Zoltán (irodalomtörténész)
Cím:Rózsa Ignácz's Torockói gyász ['Torockó Mourning']: Identity Beyond the Borders of Time and Space / Abádi-Nagy Zoltán
Megjegyzések:Rózsa Ignácz's historical novel Torockói gyász ['Torockó Mourning'] (1958) deals with the staggering tragedy of Transylvanian Torockó in 1702. But the referential pattern that emerges from the dramatic plot clearly points beyond eighteenth-century time and space in partly overt and mostly covert ways: to the early twentieth-century postTrianon fate of the Hungarians in Transylvania, and beyond, to the destructive post-1945 totalitarian communist regime in Hungary, as well as to the backlash of the 1956 anticommunist and anti-Soviet revolution and war of independence. The narrative techniques of expanding early eighteenth-century time and space will be examined through the ways in which thematic threads of collective identity are woven in the novel in general, and the customs, habits, and the religious affiliation of the community are handled in particular. Theories of Jan Assmann, Michael Bamberg, David Herman, Erving Goffman, Fritz Heider and Anselm L. Strauss as well as observations of Ignácz researchers such as Lajos Kántor, Gabriella F. Komáromi, and Erzsébet Dani will be used.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Irodalom- és kultúratudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Transylvanian literature
Rózsa Ignácz
collective identity
Megjelenés:Hungarian Cultural Studies. - 9 (2016), p. 28-42. -
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