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001-es BibID:BIBFORM080564
035-os BibID:(PMID)31228077
Első szerző:Nyilas Renáta
Cím:Interim PET/CT in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma may facilitate identification of good-prognosis patients among IPI-stratified patients / Renata Nyilas, Bence Farkas, Reka Rahel Bicsko, Ferenc Magyari, Laszlo Imre Pinczes, Arpad Illes, Lajos Gergely
ISSN:0925-5710 1865-3774
Megjegyzések:Treating patients with DLBCL remains a challenge, as the response to first-line immunochemotherapy is somewhat unpredictable. The International Prognostic Index (IPI) is one of the most widely used methods for assessing prognosis. Interim PET/CT (iPET/CT) can play an important role in the early identification of 'non-responder' patients before the end of treatment examination. In this study, we retrospectively analyzed 104 newly diagnosed DLBCL patients treated with R-CHOP-like regimens who underwent iPET/CT imaging during therapy. There was a significant difference in 2-year OS between patients with negative iPET/CT and those with positive iPET/CT. Patients who had positive iPET/CT showed inferior 2-year PFS compared to those with negative iPET/CT. According to IPI, there was a statistically significant difference in 2-year OS and PFS between patients in the lower and higher risk groups. However, these patients can be further subdivided according to iPET/CT. The iPET/CT results in the present study clearly separate good- and poor-prognosis patients according to differences in 2-year OS, both in the lower and higher IPI risk groups. These results are in agreement with those of previous studies that demonstrated that iPET/CT has high negative predictive value, clearly identifying good-prognosis patients even within the poor-prognosis IPI group.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Interim PET/CT
Megjelenés:International Journal of Hematology. - 110 : 3 (2019), p. 331-339. -
További szerzők:Farkas Bence Bicskó Réka Ráhel (1994-) (általános orvos) Magyari Ferenc (1985-) (belgyógyász, hematológus) Pinczés László Imre (1990-) (hematológus) Illés Árpád (1959-) (belgyógyász, haematológus, onkológus) Gergely Lajos (1965-) (belgyógyász, haematológus)
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