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001-es BibID:BIBFORM081717
Első szerző:Bozzay Réka (történész, néderlandista)
Cím:Utrechti pénzforrások: Anna Everwijn hagyatéka az egyetemen / Bozzay Réka Kornélia
Megjegyzések:At the University of Utrecht there were several financial resources that aimed the financial support of students, among them the Hungarian ones. Anna Everwijn, a citizen of Arnhem, bequeathed 20.000 guiden in her Last Will and Testament of 1734 to Hungarian and Transylvanian students studying theology at the University of Utrecht. Her act caused a huge indignation in her family, because she left out her dosest family members from her testament. Her brother-in-law, Hendrik Brantsen, the farmer major of Arn hem, sued her at law for the money that was left for the Hungarian students. He wanted to prove that formal mistakes had been made when writing the testament. Finally, his lawsuit was refused and the Hungarians were granted the money. The foundation existed until the 1990' s.
ISBN:978 615 562 201 4
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Történelemtudományok tanulmány, értekezés
Anna Everwin
Henrik Brantsen
magyarországi- erdélyi diákok
Megjelenés:Universitas - Historia: Tanulmányok a 70 éves Szögi László tiszteletére / szerk. Draskóczy István, Varga Júlia, Zsidi Vilmos. - p. 39-52. -
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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