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001-es BibID:BIBFORM082842
035-os BibID:(PMID)31935470 (scopus)85077743756 (wos)000512972500009
Első szerző:Trencsényi György (biológus, biokémikus, molekuláris biológus)
Cím:In vivo preclinical evaluation of the new 68Ga-labeled beta-cyclodextrin in prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) positive tumor model using positron emission tomography / György Trencsényi, Adrienn Kis, Judit P. Szabó, Ágnes Ráti, Katalin Csige, Éva Fenyvesi, Lajos Szente, Milo Malanga, Gábor Méhes, Miklós Emri, István Kertész, Miklós Vecsernyés, Ferenc Fenyvesi, István Hajdu
Megjegyzések:The cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)/prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) pathway plays an important role in tumor development and formation of metastases. It was earlier reported that cyclodextrin derivatives have a high affinity to form complexes with PGE2. Based on these results radiolabeled cyclodextrins - as new radiopharmaceuticals - may open a new pathway in the in vivo imaging and diagnosis of PGE2 positive tumors. The aims of this study were to synthetize the PGE2 specific 68Ga-labeled NODAGA-randomly methylated beta-cyclodextrin (68Ga-NODAGA-RAMEB) and investigate its tumor-targeting properties. NODAGA-RAMEB was labeled with Gallium-68 (68Ga), and the radiochemical purity (RCP%), partition coefficient (logP values), and in vitro-in vivo stability of 68Ga-NODAGA-RAMEB were determined. After intravenous injection of 68Ga-NODAGA-RAMEB the accumulation in organs and tissues was monitored in vivo by positron emission tomography (PET) and ex vivo by gamma counter in BxPC-3 and PancTu-1 tumor-bearing CB17 SCID mice. The RCP% of the newly synthesized 68Ga-NODAGA-RAMEB was higher than 98%. The molar activity was 15.34 ± 1.93 GBq/?mol. The logP of 68Ga labeled NODAGA-RAMEB was - 3.63 ± 0.04. Biodistribution studies showed high accumulation of 68Ga-NODAGA-RAMEB in PGE2 positive BxPC-3 tumors; approximately 15-20-fold higher radiotracer uptake was observed, than that of the background. 68Ga-labeled RAMEB is a promising radiotracer in PET diagnostics of PGE2 positive tumors.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Gyógyszerészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Positron Emission Tomography
prostaglandin E2
Megjelenés:International Journal of Pharmaceutics. - 576 (2020), p. 1-35. -
További szerzők:Kis Adrienn (1991-) (molekuláris biológus) Péli-Szabó Judit (1977-) (vegyész) Ráti Ágnes Csige Katalin Fenyvesi Éva Szente Lajos (1951-) (vegyész) Malanga, Milo Méhes Gábor (1966-) (patológus) Emri Miklós (1962-) (fizikus) Kertész István (1966-) (vegyész) Vecsernyés Miklós (1959-) (gyógyszertechnológus, endokrinológus) Fenyvesi Ferenc (1977-) (gyógyszerész, gyógyszertechnológus) Hajdu István (1981-) (vegyész)
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