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001-es BibID:BIBFORM082917
Első szerző:Heard, Jean-Michel
Cím:Availability, accessibility and delivery to patients of the 28 orphan medicines approved by the European Medicine Agency for hereditary metabolic diseases in the MetabERN network / Heard Jean-Michel, Vrinten Charlotte, Schlander Michael, Bellettato Cinzia Maria, van Lingen Corine, Scarpa Maurizio, MetabERN collaboration group
ISSN:1750-1172 1750-1172
Megjegyzések:Background: The European Medicine Agency granted marketing approval to 164 orphan medicinal products for rare diseases, among which 28 products intended for the treatment of hereditary metabolic diseases. Taking advantage of its privileged connection with 69 healthcare centres of excellence in this field, MetabERN, the European Reference Network for hereditary metabolic diseases, performed a survey asking health care providers from 18 European countries whether these products are available on the market, reimbursed and therefore accessible for prescription, and actually delivered in their centre. Results: Responses received from 52 centres (75%) concerned the design of treatment plans, the access to marketed products, and the barriers to delivery. Treatment options are always discussed with patients, who are often involved in their treatment plan. Most products (26/28) are available in most countries (15/18). Among the 15 broadly accessible products (88.5% of the centres), 9 are delivered to most patients (mean 70.1%), and the others to only few (16.5%). Among the 10 less accessible products (40.2% of the centres), 6 are delivered to many patients (66.7%), and 4 are rarely used (6.3%). Information was missing for 3 products. Delay between prescription and delivery is on average one month. Beside the lack of availability or accessibility, the most frequent reasons for not prescribing a treatment are patients' clinical status, characteristic, and personal choice. Conclusions: Data collected from health care providers in the MetabERN network indicate that two-third of the orphan medicines approved by EMA for the treatment of hereditary metabolic diseases are accessible to treating patients, although often less than one-half of the patients with the relevant conditions actually received the approved product to treat their disease. Thus, in spite of the remarkable achievement of many products, patients concerned by EMA-approved orphan medicinal products have persistent unmet needs, which deserve consideration. The enormous investments made by the companies to develop products, and the high financial burden for the Member States to purchase these products emphasize the importance of a scrupulous appreciation of treatment value involving all stakeholders at early stage of development, before marketing authorization, and during follow up.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Orphan medicinal product
Access to treatment
European Reference Network
Hereditary Metabolic Diseases
Inborn errors of metabolism
Megjelenés:Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. - 15 : 3 (2020), p. 1-10. -
További szerzők:Vrinten, Charlotte Schlander, Michael Bellettato, Cinzia Maria van Lingen, Corine Scarpa, Maurizio Szakszon Katalin (1977-) (csecsemő- és gyermekgyógyász, klinikai genetikus) Pfliegler György (1949-) (belgyógyász, hematológus, labor szakorvos) Káposzta Rita (1968-) (csecsemő- és gyermekgyógyász) MetabERN collaboration group
Pályázati támogatás:Third Health Programme ERN-2016 - Framework Partnership Agreement 2017-2021, Project ID No. 739543.
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