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001-es BibID:BIBFORM083605
035-os BibID:(WoS)000519708700008 (Scopus)85098594601
Első szerző:Nagy Dávid (programtervező informatikus)
Cím:Different Types of Search Algorithms for Rough Sets / Dávid Nagy, Tamás Mihálydeák, László Aszalos
Megjegyzések:Based on the available information in many cases it can happen that two objects cannot be distinguished. If a set of data is given and in this set two objects have the same attribute values, then these two objects are called indiscernible. This indiscernibility has an effect on the membership relation, because in some cases it makes our judgment uncertain about a given object. The uncertainty appears because if something about an object is needed to be stated, then all the objects that are indiscernible from the given object must be taken into consideration. The indiscernibility relation is an equivalence relation which represents background knowledge embedded in an information system. In a Pawlakian system this relation is used in set approximation. Correlation clustering is a clustering technique which generates a partition. In the authors' previous research the possible usage of the correlation clustering in rough set theory was investigated. In this paper the authors show how different types of search algorithms affect the set approximation.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok konferenciacikk
Megjelenés:Acta Cybernetica. - 24 : 1 (2019), p. 105-120. -
További szerzők:Mihálydeák Tamás Sándor (1955-) (filozófus, matematikus) Aszalós László (1969-) (matematikus)
Pályázati támogatás:TéT 16-1-2016-0193
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