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001-es BibID:BIBFORM084458
Első szerző:Vincze Csaba (matematikus)
Cím:On generalized Berwald manifolds with semi-symmetric compatible linear connections / Vincze Csaba
ISSN:0033-3883 2064-2849
Megjegyzések:Generalized Berwald manifolds are special Finsler manifolds admitting compatible linear connections on the base manifold. Compatibility means that the parallel transports preserve the Finslerian lenght of tangent vectors. It is known [13] that any compatible linear connection is Riemann metrizable by the averaged Riemannian metric which is given as the integral of the Riemann-Finsler metric over the indicatrix hypersurfaces. The basic questions are the unicity of the compatible linear connection and its expression in terms of the canonical data of the Finsler manifold (intrinsic characterization). Here we discuss the case of Finsler manifolds admitting compatible linear connections with vanishing trace-less part in the torsion. Our main results are the intrinsic characterization and the proof of the uniqueness of such a linear connection (if exists).
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen. - 83 : 4 (2013), p. 741-755. -
Pályázati támogatás:TAMOP-4.2.2.C-11/1/KONV-2012-0010
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