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001-es BibID:BIBFORM084505
035-os BibID:(WoS)000524715800001 (Scopus)85083235562
Első szerző:Csarnovics István (fizikus)
Cím:Development and Study of Biocompatible Polyurethane-Based Polymer-Metallic Nanocomposites / Csarnovics István, Burunkova Julia, Sviazhina Danara, Oskolkov Evgeniy, Alkhalil George, Orishak Elena, Nilova Ludmila, Szabó István, Rutka Péter, Bene Krisztián, Bácsi Attila, Kökényesi Sándor
Megjegyzések:Introduction: In this work we selected components, developed technology and studied a number of parameters of polymer nanocomposite materials, remembering that the material would have high optical and good mechanical characteristics, good sorption ability in order to ensure high value of the optical signal for a short time while maintaining the initial geometric shape. In addition, if this nanocomposite is used for medicine and biology (biocompatible or biocidal materials or the creation of a sensor based on it), the material must be non-toxic and/or biocompatible. We study the creation of polymer nanocomposites which may be applied as biocompatible materials with new functional parameters. Material and Methods: A number of polymer nanocomposites based on various urethane-acrylate monomers and nanoparticles of gold, silicon oxides, zinc and/or titanium oxides are obtained, their mechanical (microhardness) properties and wettability (contact angle) are studied. The set of required, biology-related properties of these materials, such as toxicity and sorption of microorganisms are also investigated in order to prove their possible applicability. Results and Discussion: The composition of the samples influences their microhardness and the value of contact angle, which means that varying with the monomer and the metallic, oxide nanoparticles composition, we could change these parameters. Besides it, the set of required, biology-related properties of these materials, such as toxicity and sorption of microorganisms were also investigated in order to prove their possible applicability. It was shown that the materials are non-toxic, the adhesion of microorganisms on their surface also could be varied by changing their composition. Conclusion: The presented polymer nanocomposites with different compositions of monomer and the presence of nanoparticles in them are prospective material for a possible bio-application as it is biocompatible, not toxic. The sorption of microorganism could be varied depending on the type of bacterias, the monomer composition, and nanoparticles.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Anyagtudományok és technológiák idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
polymer nanocomposites,
metallic nanoparticles,
oxide nanoparticles,
biocompatible materials,
Megjelenés:Nanotechnology, Science and Applications. - 13 (2020), p. 11-22. -
További szerzők:Burunkova, Julia (vegyész) Sviazhina, Danara Oskolkov, Evgeniy Alkhalil, George Orishak, Elena Nilova, Ludmila Szabó István András (1956-) (fizikus) Rutka Péter Bene Krisztián (1986-) (Biológus) Bácsi Attila (1967-) (immunológus) Kökényesi Sándor (1946-) (fizikus)
Pályázati támogatás:GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00041
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