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001-es BibID:BIBFORM084796
Első szerző:Pete László (történész, italianista)
Cím:Magyarország és a velencei köztársaság kapcsolatai 1848-1849-ben / Pete László
Megjegyzések:The anti-Austrian fight of Hungary and the Republic of Venice were linked with several tiesin 1848?49. After siding with the Italians in October 1848, Second-Lieutenant Lajos Winkler set up a small legion from Hungarian dezerters, and the unit served as garrison troops as long as the capitulation of the Republic. At the turn of May-June 1849, János Bratich, acting in the name of the Hungarian governor-president, and plenipotentiary commissioner Lodovico Pasini, acting in the name of the Venetian government, signed a treaty in Ancona, forming an alliance of mutual defence and attack. Subsequently, the government council of Venice sent an envoy, Tommaso Gar to Hunga-ry, who, however, could not reach his destination. The so-called Adria Plan, according to which the Hungarian army would have conquered Fiume and relieved the enclosed and besieged Venice, also proved to be unrealisable. The Venetian?Hungarian alliance came too late and therefore brought no actual benefit for either parties. However, it did help strengthen friendly feelings between the twopeoples, just like the formation of the Hungarian Legion of Venice did.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Történelemtudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Hadtörténelmi Közlemények. - 127 : 2 (2014), p. 423-452. -
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