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001-es BibID:BIBFORM084852
Első szerző:Takács Péter (szülész-nőgyógyász)
Cím:Novel zinc containing vaginal moisturizer gel (JUVIA) improves postmenopausal vulvovaginal symptoms / Takács Péter, Kozma Bence, Erdődi Balázs, Póka Róbert
Megjegyzések:Introduction: Many postmenopausal women suffer from vaginal dryness. Although vaginal estrogen is highly effective in alleviating this symptom, more and more women are reluctant to use hormonal treatment. Previous cell culture experiments revealed that zinc supplementation increases elastin and collagen synthesis. In addition, animal experiments revealed a beneficial effect of vaginal zinc treatment on the composition of the vagina in oophorectomized rats (1). Objectives: To evaluate the effect of a novel zinc containing vaginal moisturizer gel (JUVIA) on postmenopausal women vulvovaginal symptoms. Materials and Methods: Twenty postmenopausal women with genitourinary symptoms of menopause were enrolled. Patient were asked to use the JUVIA gel daily for 2 weeks. The novel gel was self-applied intra vaginally via a vaginal applicator. Two ml of gel was placed into the vagina nightly. Vaginal Health Index (Elasticity, Fluid Secretion, pH, Epithelial mucosa, Moisture) was calculated before and 1 week after the completion of treatment. Patients were asked to fill out a Visual Analog Scale (1-10, lower scores indicates less bother) on vaginal pain, dryness, burning, itching, dyspareunia and dysuria. Also validated questionnaire VSQ-21 was used to assess subjective symptoms of GSM before and one week after treatment. After completion of the treatment women were asked to complete an anonymous self-administered online 16 item questionnaire. Paired t-test was used to compare the before and after treatment results. Results: All patients were in menopause. The average age was 61?8 years. The Vaginal Health Index was 13?4 before and 19 ?4 after completion of treatment. VHI was significantly improved (P<0.01). The largest incremental change occurred in vaginal moisture out of the VHI. In sixty percent of women the vaginal pH remained normalized even a week after cessation of treatment. The patient reported VAS combined score was 17?17 before and 10?17 after treatment. VAS was significantly lower (P=0.04) after JUVIA treatment. VSQ-21 combined scores were 5?5 before and 2?4 after intervention. VSQ21 scores were significantly lower (P=0.01) indicative of symptom improvement. Seventy percent of sexually active women reported a significant improvement in the vulvar symptoms affecting sexual activity. Ninety percent of patients reported that during the treatment their vagina was well moisturized. Similarly 90% percent felt that the treatment was very comfortable. The moisturizing effect lasted for more than 1 week after cessation of treatment in 75% of women. Eighty-percent reported that the consistency of the product was adequate and 100% were satisfied with the smell of the gel. Seventy-five percent of participant felt more self-confident after using the gel and reported a significant improvement in the quality of sexual relationship. Overall ninety-percent of women were extremely satisfied or satisfied with the JUVIA treatment. Side effects were rare and minor. Conclusion: Novel zinc containing vaginal moisturizer gel (JUVIA) significantly improves postmenopausal vulvovaginal symptoms. Postmenopausal women were highly satisfied with the novel zinc containing vaginal moisturizer gel without serious side effects.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idézhető absztrakt
Megjelenés:International Urogynecology Journal. - 29 : S1 (2018), p. 175. -
További szerzők:Kozma Bence (1982-) (szülész-nőgyógyász) Erdődi Balázs (1984-) (szülész-nőgyógyász szakorvosjelölt) Póka Róbert (1960-) (szülész-nőgyógyász, klinikai onkológus)
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