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001-es BibID:BIBFORM085425
035-os BibID:(WoS)000228407700027 (Scopus)18144428352
Első szerző:Vértesi Tamás (fizikus)
Cím:N-state adiabatic-to-diabatic transformation angle: Theory and application / T. Vértesi, E. Bene, A. Vibók, G. J. Halász, M. Baer.
Megjegyzések:In this article is discussed a new diabatization procedure which is expected to be reliable and, also, relatively easy to implement. This procedure takes into account the two main ingredients related to diabatization: (1) The size N of the smallest (relevant) group of states that forms a Hilbert subspace (this fact enforces the dimension of the adiabatic-to-diabatic transformation matrix to be N). (2) The total energy E which determines the number of open states, p, within this group of N states. The main emphasis in this manuscript is on the case that N is arbitrary but p is equal to 2. The various derivations as well as the final results are accompanied by numerical examples extracted from three- to five-state ab initio calculations for the H + H2 system.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 109 : 15 (2005), p. 3476-3484. -
További szerzők:Bene Erika (1975-) (fizikus) Vibók Ágnes (1962-) (fizikus) Halász Gábor J. (1961-) (fizikus) Baer, Michael
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