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001-es BibID:BIBFORM086437
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)e191401 (WOS)000586027400009 (Scopus)85087436418
Első szerző:Stoyanova, Stela
Cím:Toxicological impact of a neonicotinoid insecticide and an organophosphorus fungicide on bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis Richardson, 1845) gills: a comparative study / Stela Stoyanova, Krisztián Nyeste, Elenka Georgieva, Petar Uchikov, Iliana Velcheva, Vesela Yancheva
ISSN:1584-9074 1843-5629
Megjegyzések:The main aim of the present study was to compare the toxicological effects of a fosetyl-Al and fenamidone based fungicide and a thiamethoxam based insecticide on the gill histological structure of bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis Richardson, 1845) in a short-term laboratory conditions (96 hours). We used of the insecticide 6.6 mg L-1 , 10 mg L-1 and 20 mg L-1 representing 30, 20, 10 times dilution, and of the fungicide ? 30 mg L-1 , 38 mg L-1 and 50 mg L-1 representing 50, 40, 30 times dilution, respectively. These concentrations were considered as real applicable pesticide concentrations in plant protection practices. Overall, we found pronounced alterations in the gill histological structure such as proliferative and regressive, as well as changes in the circulatory system in the fish treated with both pesticides. The histopathological alterations indicated the negative effects of the applied chemicals on non-target aquatic species such as bighead carp. In addition, we found that, in terms of the histological lesions and tested fish species, the fungicide had more severe effects compared to the insecticide
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:North-Western Journal of Zoology. - 16 : 1 (2020), p. 1-10. -
További szerzők:Nyeste Krisztián József (1993-) (hidrobiológus) Georgieva, Elenka Uchikov, Petar Velcheva, Iliana Yancheva, Vesela
Pályázati támogatás:NKFIH-1150-6/2019
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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