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001-es BibID:BIBFORM088048
Első szerző:Gavojdian, Dinu
Cím:Comparative study on fitness traits and reproductive efficiency in Turcana and Tsigai ewes / Gavojdian Dinu, Sauer Maria, Patras Irina, Kusza Szilvia
ISSN:2285-5750 2393-2260
Megjegyzések:Aim of the current comparative study was to evaluate health, reproductive rates and fitness indicators in Tsigai and Turcana sheep breeds reared under semi-intensive production system conditions. The project herd is consisted of 203 Tsigai (Szombor ecotype) and 226 Turcana (Sibiu ecotype) breeding ewes. The Tsigai ewes were more affected (p?0.01) by clinical mastitis compared to Turcana ewes, with an incidence of 10.8?0.21% and 3.11?1.16%, respectively. The Tsigai ewes produced significantly higher litters (p?0.001) compared to Turcana breed, 1.45?0.04% compared to 1.17?0.02%. Lambs weaning rates were not influenced by the genotype (p>0.05). This comparative study was the first attempt to provide information on the reproductive efficiency and health traits in Tsigai and Turcana breeds under temperate climate conditions found in Eastern Europe. For the selected specialized Sombor Tsigai ecotype it would be advisable to include fitness traits into the breeding selection schemes in order to improve animal welfare and overall productivity.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
sheep welfare
reproductive efficiency
Megjelenés:Scientific Papers, Series D. Animal Science. - 59 (2016), p. 193-196. -
További szerzők:Sauer, Maria Patras, Irina Kusza Szilvia (1979-) (agrármérnök)
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