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001-es BibID:BIBFORM090221
Első szerző:Tömöri Mihály
Cím:The state of the Hungarian residential market in the time of the global economic crisis / Mihály Tömöri, István Süli-Zakar
ISSN:1377-2368 2294-9135
Megjegyzések:Housing in Hungary has undergone significant changes since the years of political and economic transition. During the socialist decades the housing sector was controlled by the state, market forces were marginal or non-existent. Thus, one of the biggest changes in housing was the establishment of a western-type residential market after the regime change. The latest worldwide economic crisis has had a dramatic impact on the Hungarian housing market. The turnover of the Hungarian residential market has declined enormously in the past few years. Those families who financed their housing by foreign currency mortgages are facing the hardest situation. The Hungarian forint has significantly weakened against other currencies having resulted in a dramatic increase in foreign currency mortgage payments. First, the paper briefly reviews the literature on housing theories, then it outlines the most important milestones in the development of the Hungarian residential market. The next part of the paper introduces the most problematic issues and areas concerning housing in Hungary, and finally analyzes the effects and consequences of the present economic crisis.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
residential market
global economic crisis
Megjelenés:Belgeo. - 12 : 3-4 (2011), p. 167-186. -
További szerzők:Süli-Zakar István (1945-2017) (geográfus)
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