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001-es BibID:BIBFORM091115
Első szerző:Szabó András (agrármérnök)
Cím:Impacts of nitrogen fertilization and plant density on yield and stalk lodging of sunflower / András Szabó
Megjegyzések:: Sunflower is one of the agricultural plant species that is produced on the largest production areas. Critical factors of production technology of sunflower are fertilization, sowing technology and plant protection. The research was conducted in Hungary at Látókép research station and Regional Research Institute of the University of Debrecen, Centre of Agricultural Sciences in year 2012. In the experiment, we studied how the fertility and stalk and head condition of the sunflower hybrids changed on the six different nutrient levels we applied. In addition to the control (untreated), the basic dosage of N=30 kg ha-1 , P2O5=22.5 kg ha-1 and K2O=26.5 kg ha-1 and 2-,3-, 4- and 5-fold dosages were applied. We analysed the reaction of the hybrids to nutrient levels at 40000 plants ha-1 , 50000 plants ha-1 and 60000 plants ha-1 plant density levels. We examined 3 hybrids. Results have proven that the increase of nutrient supply and numbers of plants per hectare increased infection caused by fungous pathogenes. The highest infection by Sclerotinia, Diaporthe and head disease was reached on N120+PK and N150+PK nutrient levels. On higher nutrient levels, stalk strength parameters have worsen Stalk strength parameters showed different results with the different hybrids we examined. As for yield, the different genotypes showed remarkable difference. In the average of hybrids and numbers of plants, the highest yield was observed on N30+PK nutrient level.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
plant density
Megjelenés:Növénytermelés. - 63 (2014), p. 75-78. -
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