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001-es BibID:BIBFORM092917
Első szerző:Gáspár Vilmos (vegyész)
Cím:Doktori képzés a Debreceni Egyetem Kémia Doktori Iskolájában / Gáspár Vilmos
Megjegyzések:In this article, Vilmos Gáspár, Director of the PhD Program in Chemistry at University of Debrecen, Hungary, gives a detailed account on the educational and research program of the internationally recognized graduate school. The PhD Program is based on a credit system: the students have to collect a total of 180 credit points in 3 years of graduate education. These credit points should be earned by research (156 points), completing graduate courses (12 points), and teaching undergraduate courses (12 points). The PhD degree is issued after a successful oral exam generally in the special topics of the graduate courses taken by the student and a successful open defence of the PhD dissertation (thesis). It is a general requirement that the results presented in a dissertation should be based on 2-3 research papers published previously in peer-reviewed, well respected international journals of high impact. In a given semester, the average number of PhD students varies between 30 and 40. The majority of students are supported by governmental fellowships; however, there is also a possibility to earn the degree based on a personal program sponsored by outside sources, e.g. major companies.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Magyar kémiai folyóirat. - 117 : 2-3 (2011), p. 147-152. -
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