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001-es BibID:BIBFORM095010
Első szerző:Drotár Nikolett (gimnáziumi tanár)
Cím:Az új turisztikai imázs elemek vizsgálata Tokaj-Hegyalján / Drotár Nikolett
Megjegyzések:The last planning cycle (2007-2014) Tokaj tourism developments studied during my research. I was curious that the investments realized to what extent contributed to the region's tourism image of the repairs. The developments in the sights of 94.2%, 5.8% improvement in the attractions are served. The mere increase in the number of attractions and optimizing the quality of the existing ones did not contribute to the improvement of the image. The available funds were used only 5.8% of the tourist attraction and thus improve the area's image activities. 54 tourist tender submitted 27 settlements of the Tokaj wine region, just such a development put in a Sátoraljaújhelyi Adventure Park. This planning cycle should aim for the complex developments that are adapted to the needs of tourists as well as the supply of the same sort items into clusters and tourist packages sold for sustainable development.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:Magyar Földrajzi Napok 2016 : konferenciakötet: VIII. Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia, XVI. Geográfus Doktoranduszok Országos Konferenciája, Oktatás-módszertani és Földrajztanári Konferencia / szerk. Pajtókné Tari. - p. 792-803. -
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