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001-es BibID:BIBFORM095714
035-os BibID:(WoS)000779857300006 (Scopus)85119287600
Első szerző:Buchmann, Swantje
Cím:Remission, treatment failure, and relapse in pediatric ALL : an international consensus of the Ponte-di-Legno Consortium / Swantje Buchmann, Martin Schrappe, Andre Baruchel, Andrea Biondi, Michael Borowitz, Myriam Campbell, Gunnar Cario, Giovanni Cazzaniga, Gabrielle Escherich, Christine Harrison, Mats Heyman, Stephen Hunger, Csongor Kiss, Hsi-Che Liu, Franco Locatelli, Mignon Loh, Atsushi Manabe, Georg Mann, Rob Pieters, Ching-Hon Pui, Susana Rives, Kjeld Schmiegelow, Lewis Silverman, Jan Stary, Ajay Vora, Patrick Brown, Ponte-di-Legno Consortium
Megjegyzések:Comparison of treatment strategies in de novo pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) requires standardized measures of efficacy. Key parameters that define disease-related events, including 'complete remission' (CR), 'treatment failure' (TF; not achieving CR), and 'relapse' (loss of CR) require an updated consensus incorporating modern diagnostics. We collected the definitions of CR, TF and relapse from recent and current pediatric clinical trials for the treatment of ALL, including the key components of response evaluation (timing, anatomic sites, detection methods, and thresholds), and found significant heterogeneity, most notably in the definition of TF. Representatives of the major international ALL clinical trial groups convened to establish consensus definitions. CR should be defined at a time point no earlier than at the end of induction (EOI), and should include the reduction of blasts below a specific threshold in bone marrow and extramedullary sites, incorporating minimal residual disease (MRD) techniques for marrow evaluations. TF should be defined as failure to achieve CR by a pre-specified time point in therapy. Relapse can only be defined in patients who have achieved CR, and must include a specific threshold of leukemic cells in the bone marrow confirmed by MRD, the detection of central nervous system leukemia, or documentation of extramedullary disease. Definitions of TF and relapse should harmonize with eligibility criteria for clinical trials in relapsed/refractory ALL. These consensus definitions will enhance the ability to compare outcomes across pediatric ALL trials, and facilitate development of future international collaborative trials.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Blood. - 139 : 12 (2022), p. 1785-1793. -
További szerzők:Schrappe, Martin Baruchel, Andre Biondi, Andrea Borowitz, Michael Campbell, Myriam Cario, Gunnar Cazzaniga, Giovanni Escherich, Gabrielle Harrison, Christine Heyman, Mats Hunger, Stephen Kiss Csongor (1956-) (hematológus, onkológus) Liu, Hsi-Che Locatelli, Franco Loh, Mignon Manabe, Atsushi Mann, Georg Pieters, Rob Pui, Ching-Hon Rives, Susana Schmiegelow, Kjeld Silverman, Lewis Starý, Jan Vora, Ajay Brown, Patrick Ponte-di-Legno Consortium
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