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001-es BibID:BIBFORM102951
Első szerző:Lestari, Novi Dwi
Cím:The use of e-money in state owned banks in Manado / Novi Dwi Lestari, Linda Lambey, Johan Reineer Tumiwa
Megjegyzések:The advanced payment system has shifted the role of cash as a means of payment to the form of non-cash payment to be more efficient and economical. In Indonesia there are 10 banking sectors that have obtained permission from Bank Indonesia and in Manado E-money product that comes from State-owned banks are the most popular in the society, which are: BRIZZI from BRI, Tapcash from BNI, E-cash and E-money from Mandiri bank. The purpose of this research is to analyze the actual usage and the preferences of electronic money users by State-owned banks in Manado. This study uses descriptive qualitative research to describe the customer's perception and their preferences by using E-money in State-owned banks in Manado from 22 informants by used semi in- depth interviews. The result of the research shows that E-money users from State-owned banks in Manado have received and used electronic money as a means of payment. However, the volume of transactions in using E-money is insufficient due to the lack of supported payment facilities. The e-money users have the same preference in using e-money because it is easy to use and many promotions are given. The E-money issuer prefer to develop the infrastructure to support E-money payment.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Közgazdaságtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Jurnal EMBA: Jurnal Riset Ekonomi, Manajemen, Bisnis dan Akuntansi. - 6 : 4 (2018), p. 2448-2457. -
További szerzők:Lambey, Linda Tumiwa, Johan Reineer (1986-) (SMEs Expertise)
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