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001-es BibID:BIBFORM105494
035-os BibID:(WOS)000371261100003 (Scopus)84958548935
Első szerző:Feuillet, Thierry
Cím:Neighbourhood typology based on virtual audit of environmental obesogenic characteristics / T. Feuillet, H. Charreire, C. Roda, M. Ben Rebah, J. D. Mackenbach, S. Compernolle, K. Glonti, H. Bárdos, H. Rutter, I. De Bourdeaudhuij, M. McKee, J. Brug, J. Lakerveld, J.-M. Oppert
ISSN:1467-7881 1467-789X
Megjegyzések:SummaryVirtual audit (using tools such as Google Street View) can help assess multiple char-acteristics of the physical environment. This exposure assessment can then be asso-ciated with health outcomes such as obesity. Strengths of virtual audit includecollection of large amount of data, from various geographical contexts, followingstandard protocols. Using data from a virtual audit of obesity-related features car-ried out in five urban European regions, the current study aimed to (i) describe thisinternational virtual audit dataset and (ii) identify neighbourhood patterns that cansynthesize the complexity of such data and compare patterns across regions. Datawere obtained from 4,486 street segments across urban regions in Belgium, France,Hungary, the Netherlands and the UK. We used multiple factor analysis and hierar-chical clustering on principal components to build a typology of neighbourhoodsand to identify similar/dissimilar neighbourhoods, regardless of region. Fourneighbourhood clusters emerged, which differed in terms of food environment,recreational facilities and active mobility features, i.e. the three indicators derivedfrom factor analysis. Clusters were unequally distributed across urban regions.Neighbourhoods mostly characterized by a high level of outdoor recreational facil-ities were predominantly located in Greater London, whereas neighbourhoodscharacterized by high urban density and large amounts of food outlets were mostlylocated in Paris. Neighbourhoods in the Randstad conurbation, Ghent andBudapest appeared to be very similar, characterized by relatively lower residentialdensities, greener areas and a very low percentage of streets offering food andrecreational facility items. These results provide multidimensional constructs ofobesogenic characteristics that may help target at-risk neighbourhoods moreeffectively than isolated features.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Cluster analysis
obesogenic environment
virtual audit
Megjelenés:Obesity Reviews. - 17 : S1 (2016), p. 19-30. -
További szerzők:Charreire, Hélène Roda, Célina Ben Rebah, M. Mackenbach, Joreintje Dingena Compernolle, Sofie Glonti, Ketevan Bárdos Helga (1969-) (megelőző orvostan és népegészségtan szakorvos) Rutter, Harry De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse McKee, Martin Brug, Johannes Lakerveld, Jeroen Oppert, Jean-Michel
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