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001-es BibID:BIBFORM106769
Első szerző:Mahmudova, Leyla
Cím:Importance of selecting relevant methodology in social sciences / Leyla Mahmudova
Megjegyzések:Research is a continuous process which is not limited only with collecting information and portraying it. On the contrary, behind the concept of research lies creation of novel knowledge, which is a result of finding answers to the questions that were neglected before. Since a good research is defined with its clear objectives and validity of findings, it is crucial to consider factors, such as opting an appropriate research methodology and approaches, design and methods for data collection and analysis, ethical issues and obstacles, that can affect the quality of research. Reflecting a continuum of ongoing research process in evaluating performance of SME's in Azerbaijan, this paper will cover issues which were encountered during the process and scientific approaches to find answers for the questions of the research.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Közgazdaságtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Research methodology
Exploratory research
Research design
Data collection
Data analysis
Parallel convergent method
Megjelenés:SEA - Practical Application of Science. - 10 : 30 (2022), p. 127-134. -
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