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001-es BibID:BIBFORM110016
Első szerző:Poór József
Cím:The COVID-19 pandemic and Hungarian human resources: challenges and responses / József Poór, Krisztina Dajnoki, Ildikó Éva Kovács, Arnold Tóth, Botond Kálmán
Megjegyzések:In Hungary, the first phase of the nationwide research project was conducted between May and August 2020. Their first research report was published on 1 October 2020. The purpose of this study is to answer the following question: What challenges and changes have the Coronavirus crisis caused in domestic Human Resource Management? This research was carried out by 13 Hungarian and one Slovakian university. Regional chambers of commerce and HEIs supported the research project. Data collection took place from 12 June to 31 July 2019. They collected data from 508 Hungarian organizations (companies and public bodies) using an online questionnaire and analyzed them with the application of different statistical methodologies. Currently, the research is in its second phase, involving studying the subject in Hungary and neighbouring countries, using questionnaires suitably adapted to the given language and economic specifications. Additionally, the publication of partial research results commenced in periodicals related to the field. This extensive work encouraged the authors of the present study to write the following book chapter.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok könyvfejezet
human resource management
Megjelenés:The Impact of COVID-19 on Human Resource Management / szerk. Bhavna Mehta. - p. 115-137. -
További szerzők:Dajnoki Krisztina (1978-) (közgazdász, gazdasági agrármérnök) Kovács Ildikó Éva Tóth Arnold Kálmán Botond Géza
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