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001-es BibID:BIBFORM112002
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85161152220
Első szerző:Hussain, Ahmad (informatikus)
Cím:A New Keyed Hash Function Based on Latin Squares and Error-Correcting Codes to Authenticate Users in Smart Home Environments / Hussain Ahmad, Carolin Hannusch
Megjegyzések:We introduce the scheme of a keyed hash function, also called message authentication code (MAC) based on previously given latin squares and binary linear error-correcting codes. We investigate the properties of the introduced scheme regarding its security and applicability. Further, we give a possible application in a smart home environment, especially for opening the entrance door to a house by using a mobile device.
ISBN:9783031330162 9783031330179
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok előadáskivonat
Keyed hash function
message authentication code
smart home
latin square
error-correcting codes
Megjelenés:Codes, Cryptology and Information Security: 4th International Conference, C2SI 2023, Rabat, Morocco, May 29-31, 2023, Proceedings. (Chapter 8) /Souidi El Mamoun (eds.). - p. 129-135. -
További szerzők:Hannusch, Carolin (1984-) (matematikus)
Internet cím:DOI
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