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001-es BibID:BIBFORM112387
Első szerző:Papp László (biológus, botanikus)
Cím:Data on botanical values of Central and South Nyírség and their vicinity = Adatok a Közép- Dél-Nyírség és környékének botanikai értékeiről / László Papp, Miklós Dudás
Megjegyzések:Brief summary of about ten years of floristic investigation is described here in taxonomical order. It is mainly done because we are of opinion that our knowledge on this subject consider ably modifies data of literature. Unfortunately, sometimes this modification is negative, repor ting extinction, and our second reason follows from it, namely we should like to call (our collea gues') attention to how conservation is necessary and urgent. Our conviction is that we can not delude ourselves with vain hopes in botany, considering status of our botanical values (as well as in other fields of biology). We have to clear the existence of species which are supposed to ha ve more favourable status than they have in reality and which, for example Gladiolus palustris, already extincted presumably in 1939, despite that even newest Hungarian literature (Soó Kárpáti, 1968, Soó, 1964-1980, Csapody, 1982) mentiones it in the Bagaméri Forest (Szent anna Puszta). (R. Soó, 1939) Our investigation has verified the report of 1939! Unfortuna tely! It seems that this extreme optimism has carried even our greatest botanists, that is why la ter publications involve outworn data (maybe the even did not want to believe the destructi on!). But this optimism is necessary at the same time, because without it we would not carry on our work, sometimes with extreme, bona fide obsession. We list all species which are new for these phytogeographical units(Nyírsegense; Ny, Cri sicum; CR) (marked by!!), which known here, but new populations and habitats have been found marked by!) wich about we have more exact data e.g. on individual number, etc. (mar ked by[!]) and which are extinct or endargered (marked by!!!). We give the approximate or exact estimation of their populations size as well. When status of a species was stated in co-ope ration with someone else, we would necessarily refer to it. We give here the associations and geographical localities where the populations have been found or have been close to (Pécsi, 1969, Szabolcs-Szatmár térképe, 1986, Hajdú-Bihar me gye térképe, 1979, Debrecen környékének turistatérképe, 1983). Species being new for these phytogeographical units mentioned above may have important place in further publications.Of course, we would thank for every remark completing our paper and encourage every reader to do it. Our efforts are not finished yet, we go on with research work and would like to contribute to obtaining a new botanical picture of the Nyírség and to providing a data-base for nature conservation. We also would like to publish it as an evidence. Maybe part of our effort including ?practical" nature conservation (e.g. transplanting, artificial generativ, vegetativ propagation and that of based on tissue culturing, resettling, etc.) is known. Flora districts and associations are named following Endes(1988), on the base of the lite rature, partly due to practical reasons. (Soó-Jávorka, 1951, Soó, 1964-1980 Priszter, 1985, 1986 Papp-Dudds, 1989)
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:A debreceni Déri Múzeum évkönyve. - 1989-1990 (1992), p. 7-35. -
További szerzők:Dudás Miklós
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