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001-es BibID:BIBFORM113930
Első szerző:Bagdi Róbert (történész, geográfus)
Cím:Szeged and its region destination: past and present. Recovery from the coronavirus epidemic based on statistical data / Róbert Bagdi, Anita Mondok
Megjegyzések:In 2016, the government fundamentally overhauled the organisation and management of tourism in Hungary, with several new elements. The most important of these was the publication of Act CLVI of 2016, which provided for the state's responsibilities in the development of tourism regions. In autumn 2020, the system of destinations was further developed, which meant not only a revision of the designations, but also the definition of eleven tourist areas, with six new ones being added to the five previously designated. The newly designated areas include Szeged and its region, which consists of seven settlements. The designation as a destination was justified by the 392,000 guests registered in 2019 and the almost 862,000 nights spent by them. The 260,000 domestic and 132,000 foreign visitors to the region paid a rounded HUF 5 billion for commercial accommodation. The most important foreign markets in 2019 were Romania (19.6 thousand visitors), Serbia (17.3 thousand visitors) and Germany (14.3 thousand visitors). The year 2020, with the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic, has had an unprecedented impact on world tourism. The last three years have been dominated by the coronavirus, so the statistical analysis in this article quantifies the recovery from the epidemic. In 2022, the destination recorded a total of 546,244 domestic overnight stays and 297,230 vernight stays abroad, already exceeding the prepandemic period. The analysis reveals the direction of development and the changes in the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of tourism in the examined region.
ISBN:978 973 53 3038 5
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Közgazdaságtudományok tanulmány, értekezés
turisztikai régió
Megjelenés:Challenges in the Carpathian basin : conference volume : 16th Annual International Conference on Economics and Business / editors Fejér-Király Gergely et al. - p. 254-265. -
További szerzők:Mondok Anita (1979-) (közgazdász)
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