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001-es BibID:BIBFORM115327
Első szerző:Dancs György (történész)
Cím:Demográfiai helyzetkép Északkelet-Magyarországon az 1831-es kolera-járvány idején / Dancs György
Megjegyzések:The cholera epidemic of 1831 had severe social and economic consequences in Hungary. The outbreak first appeared in the northeast of the country, spreading from the Galician border to its internal areas. Deficiencies in disease control among the population were responsible for nearly half a million infected people and a quarter million deaths. From the beginning of the 19th century, population censuses, which could provide accurate data, are not available in Hungary. There was no census between 1787 and 1870, and numerous attempts were made to reconstruct the demographic situation in order to fill the shortcomings of this long period. By examining these works together with the reports concerning the number of the population and the spread of the disease submitted to the Royal Council of Governors at the time of the first cholera epidemic, I would like to introduce the conditions of the spread of the disease, the changes in population ratios, the local conditions of morbidity, mortality, and lethality, with a special attention to Ung, Bereg, Ugocsa, and Máramaros counties. I also aim at comparing the data with similar regional and national data.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Regionális tudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:Társadalomföldrajzi folyamatok Kelet-Közép-Európában: problémák, tendenciák, irányzatok : nemzetközi földrajzi konferencia : tanulmánykötet / szerkesztőbizottság Berghauer Sándor; Dávid Lóránt Dénes; Dnyisztrjanszkij Miroszlav; Fodor Gyula; Gergely Lívia; Gönczy Sándor; Izsák Tibor; Mocá Andrij; Molnár D. István; Molnár József; Nagy Tibor; Oláh Natália; Papp Géza; Sass Enikő; Scsuka Halina; Tóth Attila; Vince Tímea; Virván Olga. - 1. köt., p. 73-81. -
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