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001-es BibID:BIBFORM115364
Első szerző:Árki Zuzana
Cím:Innovative assessment tools and the use of the project method in teaching sciences and mathematics in primary schools / Z. Árki; T. Berta; L. Jaruska
Megjegyzések:The results of various studies, as well as our own previous research and surveys of teachers, show that the interest and enthusiasm for science among students in primary school gradually fades in upper school. One of the main challenges of modern education is to use methods and tools in teaching that can help to keep students interested. In our research, we focused on the possibilities of using non-traditional teaching methods, in particular group work and cooperative teaching in mathematics and science lessons, and in particular the use of the project method. In addition to the use of innovative teaching methods, it is also of obvious importance to measure the effectiveness of learning. In addition to traditional assessment methods, innovative assessment methods have also proved to be appropriate. This article deals with the role of formative assessment in the teaching of science subjects in lower secondary schools using the project method. One of the main aims of formative assessment is to help pupils learn more effectively, to stimulate interest and to point out ways of making the learning process more effective. The other is to contribute to the development of children's individual learning styles and self-awareness by developing pupils' self-reflection. In this article, we present concrete project ideas and the possibilities of using formative assessment tools to measure the effectiveness of education.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok előadáskivonat
Innovative teaching methods
formative assessment tools
teaching science objectives
Megjelenés:EDULEARN22 Proceedings : 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies / ed. by Luis Gómez Chova, Agustín López Martínez, Joanna Lees. - p. 7872-7879. -
További szerzők:Berta Tünde (1976-) (matematika-informatika tanár) Jaruska L.
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