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001-es BibID:BIBFORM116420
Első szerző:Fahad, Abdul
Cím:Cross-sectional assessment of cardiorespiratory endurance performance among smoker and non-smoker university students / Abdul Fahad, Éva Csepregi
Megjegyzések:Purpose: The aim of this study was to tell the differences in cardiorespiratory endurance performance between smoking and non- smoking subjects in comparison with each other according to the selected physiological special tests and to assess the ratio of sedentary lifestyles among the volunteers who participated. Methods: Collectively 50 students (25 smokers and 25 non- smokers) volunteered in this study. The assessment methods: objective tests were used to measure fitness level (YMCA 3- minute step test, Beep test, Cooper test, Voluntary Apnea test) and level of subjective physical activity, physical health, and habitual impressions were assessed by a questionnaire. Results: The results of objective tests showed significant differences in most of the cases the Voluntary Apnea test; between the non-smoker male (NSM, n=13) and non-smoker female (NSF, n=12) group (p<0.05), smoker male (SM, n=13) and smoker female (SF, n=12) (p<0.01). Cooper test; between non-smoker (NS, n=25) and smoker (S, n=25) (p=0.018), NSM and SM (p=0.008), NSF and SF (p=0.011). Beep test; between NS and S (p=0.003), NSM and SM (p=0.001), NSF and SF (p=0.007). YMCA step test; between NS and S (p<0.0001), NSM and SM (p?0.001), NSF and SF (p=0.01). Conclusion: The results of these special tests provided us with evidence to support our research hypothesis that smoking can cause a decline in the physiological functioning of the cardiorespiratory system eventually leading to reduced levels of cardiorespiratory endurance performance in young individuals.
ISBN:ISBN 978-963-490-544-8
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok könyvfejezet
Physical- activity
Megjelenés:Diáktudomány 8. - A holisztikus egészségtudomány / szerk. Jóna György. - p. 52-76. -
További szerzők:Csepregi Éva (1978-) (gyógytornász, tanár)
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